
Saturday afternoon I ran 3 miles with my Ipod as my running buddy. Bryan didn't get my text in time so I ran it solo. Hmmm...I guess I could have called him on the telephone...nah! I headed out on the normal route and surprisingly it went well. Running alone is a whole different experience without as much motivation. One day when I thought I was going to have to run 4 miles alone I stopped and just stood in the middle of the street. I kept telling myself I couldn't and wouldn't do it alone and wanted to turn back for home. But without another thought I just started running and there was Bryan. So for me it's definitely more motivating to have that other person matching me stride for stride. Thankfully Saturday was a short run and I actually felt so good when I got home that I did some core exercises along with some Martial Arts warm-ups (squats and lunges). What a silly thing for me to do! I was so sore the next morning that I dreaded our 6 mile run all day. With such sore legs it seemed almost impossible to run such a far distance. The hours I spent cleaning beforehand didn't help either. It was my farthest run to date! We ran 3 miles east of town, which felt like 10, and turned to come back another 3. Well I hopped in my van today to measure the exact distance and I got 7 miles. 7 MILES!!!!!!!! Wow, I never thought that I would ever run that far. It still seems so surreal and I wonder when it will just seem "normal". Since we decided to add a mile each Sunday I guess we will have to do 8 for the next one- yowza. What I'm really dreading is when the temperature drops below zero again, and I know it's going to happen real soon. For now I will just enjoy this nice weather and my short weekday runs. A 3 mile run tomorrow at 6 a.m. seems like a small feat ;)
