Lost Your Mitten You Naughty Kitten

Throughout the years my kids have lost many pairs of mittens and gloves during the winter. I on the other hand have been very careful not to misplace any of my beautifully handmade mittens. Well I've never run with hot sweaty hands before. It was 22 degrees during our run tonight and my hands needed to breathe, so I put my mittens in my jacket pockets. The next time I put my hands in my pockets I realized that one mitten was missing and I panicked. I just bought my mittens about a week ago from a local women, Sandy Peterick, who makes mittens out of wool sweaters- fabulous! Normally I wouldn't have worn them on a run but I couldn't find my other ones. Well I won't ever bring them on another run. On the bright side my running partner, Bryan, told me earlier in the day that he needed motivation for our run so I guess a mitten hunt helped. We were on the east side of town when I lost it so we finished our loop and followed our route back to the the west side and found nothing. So we ran back over to the east side and Bryan finally spotted it less then 50 feet from where I realized it was missing. I was so excited that I had my woolly mitten back, thanks Bryan! After delivering for UPS all day and without even eating supper Bryan ran 5 miles with me tonight. Thankfully tomorrow is an off day so we can both get a little break!
