Ah Sweet Pain

Hmmm...where do I start? Well Tuesday I overslept due to the fact that I set my alarm incorrectly. I was very frustrated with myself for that since I had to find another time slot for running my 3 miles that day. I decided to run right after my chiropractor appointment which also meant right before work. So, there would be no time to drive home and take a shower- ugh! I am very particular about my hygiene so this thought was not very pleasant for me. However, since I am committed to staying on the running schedule I packed up some clean clothes, deodorant, and body spray (just for the record I still smelt fab-u-lous)!
I decided to go to the chiropractor (BF as he calls himself) due to the fact that I was aching in so many different areas. Gotta love running! Well my BF said I was like an "old rusty hinge" because he was unable to adjust my overly tightened neck. Immediately I felt very old! Oh yeah, we are definitely going to have a lasting relationship;)
More pain found it's way through my body about an hour after my slightly miscalculated 3 mile run (I had to run on different territory). My tailbone had felt bruised the night before but I thought it was just another slight nuisance that would eventually subside. Well about an hour after my run it was so painful I found it hard to walk. Having to get up and down out of an office chair all day made the pain even worse. Different thoughts and questions were swarming around in my head and I was frustrated once again. What if I couldn't run? I felt like there was no way I would be able to run the next day. I mean I could barely walk so how oh earth would I be able to run 4 miles the next morning? To top it off, that night while trying to pick something up off the kitchen floor the pain was so bad I had to grab the counter and I felt like I was about to faint. So I went to bed early and hoped that by morning I would feel good enough to at least be able to make it out the door. Sure enough I woke up at 5:45 on Wednesday with barely a bruised feeling. 4 miles went by with no problems and I felt great. The weather was nice, breathing was easy, and my back felt pretty good. A few hours later I went to another appointment with my BF, who was still unsuccessful with adjusting my "rusty" neck, but crackled my back rather nicely. Hopefully these adjustments will help and I can continue my running as planned. I would hate to fall behind and I'm not a quitter so I need to suck it up and keep going.


  1. AH! Up at 5:45 to run 4 miles. I am so not that way... and I admire you. Totally cheering you on from this side of my computer. Way to go!

  2. I wasn't much of a morning person before I started running. There are many mornings that I struggle to get out of bed, but I have motivation and a goal. I need all the cheering I can get- thank you Lauren!


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